Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Movies That Belong on TBS

I'm flipping through the channels pretty late at night just trying to find something decent to watch. I come across TBS and Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason is playing. It got me thinking about the types of movies that TBS plays and the slogan that they use: "Very funny." Bridget Jones is just one of those movies that belongs on TBS. It's not an awful movie, but just mediocre enough to get airtime on basic cable. Most are from the mid-2000's and almost all are romantic comedies. The whole time I'm watching this movie I'm thinking, Good Lord, this is crap. Why am I still watching this? The other thing I thought was that this movie is not funny. That slogan, "Very funny," just doesn't apply to that movie or the majority of movies that they play. I just guess "Very moronic" wouldn't be the most attractive advertisement. But most of all it made me realize that certain movies belong on certain channels. The Wedding Date belongs on TBS, Saving Private Ryan belongs on TNT, Super Troopers belongs on Comedy Central, and all the Rocky and Rambo movies (excluding Rocky and First Blood) belong on the CW. This is the way things should be. In this situation, segregation is good.

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